2016 Thong Sister Reunion
Charleston, South Carolina
On Thursday, April 7th a dozen LSU KD’s – aka the Thong Sisters – came by car or by plane for another one of their yearly fun fests. The annual reunion. A long process of vetting and voting takes place over several months as hundreds of emails are exchanged by the group providing information and opinions concerning the place, the dates, the house, the activities, the meals, the travel plans, the cars, yada, yada, yada. It all becomes clear when Gladys captures much of this on her fine flow charts. And, finally, the big decisions are made.
2016 found the Thongs enjoying a huge house – the Star of the West – right on the beach. In Folly Beach. Some things are cheaper for a dozen! This turquoise and coral-painted beauty had eight bedrooms, six and a half baths, closets with hangers and TV’s too numerous to count. Every TV also had numerous controls, and only Faye knew how to work these marvels of technology. While enormously well-equipped with a lot of stuff, the house had one dryer and it was for clothes, so luckily, Barbara and Charlotte had each packed a hairdryer. Women instinctively know that it is a far far better thing to share two hairdryers with twelve than to share two bathrooms with that number.
The Thongs started to assemble on Thursday morning. Since the trip was loosely planned to correspond to the Historic Charleston Foundation’s 69th Festival of Houses and Gardens, some of the early arrival group – Barbara, Betty, Beverly, Charlotte, Linda, Margie and Tina – did the Glorious Garden Tour in Charleston on Thursday afternoon that included a wine reception in the garden of the Nathaniel Russell House Museum on Meeting Street. Betty had picked up the tour tickets and had planned several simply wonderful group outings.
On that first evening, Kathy served us a delicious homemade meal she had brought frozen from Asheville. We happily chowed down on her Salsa Verde Enchiladas Casserole, salad and Key Lime Cake. After dinner, the clean up detail was surprised as the lower rack of the dishwasher – fully loaded – rolled over the door and onto the floor. Not a dish was broken!
Before the traditional reunion gift giving that followed dinner, Tina had given the sweetest little knitted hats – made by her mother – to the two sisters whose kids would soon add to the quickly growing count of Thong grandchildren. The group swag included a set of hand knit potholders, a Swiss chocolate bar covered in birdseed, a tiny glass ladybug, a package of Forget-Me-Not seeds, stemless wine glasses with a lovely inscription about friendship, personalized toothbrushes, initialed brightly colored water bottles, and a duo of flip flop appliquéd wash cloths. There were even gifts from two Thongs not there. Louise sent 3 permanent markers to prevent wine glass mix-ups. And another KD who seems to be on forever furlough, kindly sent ClingBlings thong decals for our car windows. What a haul! And it was only day one. Although Evalyn and Jennifer did not give gifts in absentia, we will hope to see them at a future reunion!
The Friday morning weather was perfect, so some sisters took a long beach walk. Others rocked away on the Star’s expansive ocean-view porch. A few more hung out in the kitchen drinking coffee and catching up. The question on every Thong mind that morning was likely the concern that nothing on this trip would live up to the absolute excitement of the Heber Valley Railroad last year in Park City.
After meeting with the plumber who had semi-fixed several slow draining porcelain pieces in the big house, the group headed to beautiful downtown Folly Beach for a seafood lunch at the FB Crab Shack. Dixie had quickly fallen into the relaxed rhythm of the beach, and when finished eating, threw her plate in the bucket built into the table that is usually meant for oyster shells, etc. We checked out the shops in Folly Beach and then went to find the lighthouse. A steady wind had started to blow and there being no good parking places available, we went back to the Star to ready ourselves for the afternoon’s adventure.
Beverly and I began a rousing game of spades which we would continue throughout the trip. This Grammy – owner of Grammy Camp Adventures – knows her way around a card table. And, of course, there was more catching up for this group of women who genuinely enjoy being together! Eighteen years and counting is proof of a bond that has gone well beyond “AOT” and “Ta Kala Diokomen.”
Betty had scheduled an ecotour through Charleston Outdoor Adventures of a saltwater estuary of Folly Creek. We boarded Captain Mike’s
skiff at 5p.m. for a 90-minute experience with this seasoned sailor and Alaskan bush pilot who knew his stuff. Some thoughtful Thong -or Thongs -even remembered to bring a carton of wine. We used our initialed water bottles as perfectly sized wine glasses.
The creek was a naturalist’s dream as the captain skillfully guided our boat between oyster beds that looked like nothing more than muddy banks at the water’s edge. His info about the local sea birds and their fishing habits was fascinating. I was surprised and somewhat saddened to learn that pelicans must be plagued by migraines. He pointed out that these hunters smash full force into the water to stun their prey and that they live from ten to sixty years depending on how successful their aim is. We saw beautiful Cormorants as well and playful Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins as we got closer to the ocean. The trip back to the dock was very exciting as the wind was making some pretty big waves and throwing up lots of salt spray to go with the bumpy boat ride. And the wine.
Betty’s mushroom lasagna was thawing at the Star, but we decided to save it until Saturday and to have dinner at the Bower’s Beach Restaurant which was right close to the dock. It was the ultimate in big-old-creaky-wooden- beach dives, and we felt as if we had discovered a hidden gem. Or pearl. Several Thongs ordered oysters that came straight from the nearby oyster beds and had to muscle them open with knives. The rest of us enjoyed mounds of good fried seafood.
Back at the house, we gathered in the den to do some reminiscing. We learned that Barbara has almost learned to pump gas since she moved to Sarasota. We also remembered Margie’s hilarious, looping account of the search for Sebastopol by way of Santa Rosa in the Sonoma Valley at our 2012 reunion. And, there was one more very special gift. Linda explained how much our strong Thong support has meant to her as she has dealt with some difficult health problems over the last years. She gave each of us a shining 2016 silver dollar with a certificate of authenticity. I’m keeping mine on my desk to remind me of something always worth remembering!
Saturday morning we drove into Charleston ready for another day of fun and excitement. Having decided a carriage ride would provide a good overview of historic Charleston, we found a man hawking tickets, paid our money, and as he instructed, walked through the Rainbow, turned left and ended up at the Big Red Barn, the home of Palmetto Carriage Works, the oldest carriage tour company in Charleston. We climbed aboard a super-sized surrey with fringe on top as ex-Marine, Gaye, our driver and tour guide, began by giving us the scoop about how well their horses are treated. Facebook, the Percheron pulling us, did look pretty content. Gaye and Facebook took us on a wonderful and educational tour that included historic churches, graveyards, street after street of beautiful and centuries-old homes and public buildings. The sights that make Charleston a place you want to visit again. And again!
After a nice lunch at Henry’s Bar and Restaurant, we split up. The walkers – Betty, Charlotte, Dixie, Faye, Kathy and Tina – went off for a city hike at the Battery. While Beverly found a place to sit it out, the shoppers – Barbara, Gladys, Linda, Margie and Suzanne – made their way through the endless stalls selling arts and crafts and all kinds of “other” in building after building of the historic Charleston City Market often referred to as the Slave Market because the slaves in Antebellum times would buy food in this place for the plantations. The shoppers also spent a little quality time and money on and around Charleston’s famous King Street.
After a great day in town, the Thongs met at the Star for drinks on the porch until the No-Seeums saw us. We enjoyed a Betty-made wonderful dinner – her special mushroom lasagna, salad and Hummingbird Cake.
After dinner, the group launched into quite the animated discussion about dates and place choices for next year. A few sticklers for “the way we always do it” chimed in that we should wait until Sunday night – our last night in Folly Beach – to start the selection process for 2017. But no one was listening as occasionally happens and it was too late! There were all manner of suggestions such as Las Vegas. Most wondered how would we even stay awake for the 10 p.m. shows? Other suggestions included Martha’s Vineyard, Canada, and Europe. But my hands down favorite was Linda’s suggestion that we go to Pie in the Sky. I think it is a lovely small town in Mississippi. After much discussion, Beverly googled plantation rentals near Baton Rouge and an idea was hatched. The Thong majority will turn 70 in 2017. For this special year, it was suggested that we visit our old haunts at LSU while staying at one of the plantations in the area. Many emails will certainly follow as we plan for next year and make final selections of times and place. Gladys is at the ready!
The evening ended with the very deserving Charlotte taking home the coveted Thong of the Year/Golden Thong Award or whatever the hell it’s called. Last year’s recipient, Margie, announced that there were two runner’s up – in no particular order. Betty and Suzanne. Suzanne and Betty. She did not realize that Kathy completes this trio of losers. She too would have been a runner-up. In no particular order!
Since the Sunday morning weather was April-cold and windy, we layered up and seven of us – Barbara, Betty, Beverly, Linda, Suzanne and Tina with Charlotte driving her trusty Honda Pilot – went downtown to attend the 10:30 service at St. Michael’s Church – conveniently located at the corner of Meeting and Broad since 1761. We sat in “box” pews and enjoyed some of the rich traditions of this beautifully historic church including Holy Communion.
The rest of the Thongs – Dixie, Faye, Gladys, Kathy, and Margie met us for lunch at S.N.O.B.’s (Slightly North of Broad). The food was great and the service friendly. Our next event was a fabulous three-hour King Street Tour. The wonderfully restored and decorated townhouses on the tour featured homes that spanned early Georgian to late Victorian era’s or styles.
After another very good day, our tired but happy band of Thongs headed back to the Star in two cars. Kathy’s car of five had made a pit stop as Charlotte was already on the road with her group. Faye got a call to tell us that the Pilot had been rear-ended by a young woman who said she had not slept for 20 hours. Not a valid excuse! Betty and Tina were in the way-back seats – the third row – and Barbara just in front of them. The “Thong Thump” was so hard that Barbara, Betty and Tina were taken to the emergency room by ambulance. Beverly’s earring flew off leaving only the back attached to her ear. Charlotte’s Pilot would be “totaled” by the insurance company in the next couple days.
It was a frightening time for all, as Faye and Kathy went back to the hospital to stay with our banged up sisters while the rest of us waited at the house. We ate leftovers, drank a little wine and Dixie, our CFO, figured the remaining financials. After five hours in the ER, our friends were with us again. Everyone was mobile but starting to get stiff and sore, and we were all hoping that their concussions would have only minor after effects. Charlotte handled all she had to do with her usual steadiness and kindness. She rented a car to drive back to NC.
We called it a night, packed our bags and got ready to go home. The next morning Betty left early as she headed to Florida expecting that the wreck would not affect her driving. Barbara was able to make her Monday flight, but an ER doc called having found some slight bleeding in Tina’s brain. She would not be able to fly that day, so after another visit to the hospital, she and Charlotte checked into a hotel and were able to leave the next day.
Everyone got home safe and semi-sound – thankful that a real tragedy had been averted. The three Thong Thumpee’s are recovering. I quote Charlotte from an email sent the day we all left for home as she and Tina stayed in Charleston.
“Tina has had a restful afternoon. I can’t say thank you enough to
all of you for your loving friendship, support, problem solving,
patience and last minute plan changes while I dealt with the
Thong Thump – such strong women ready to tackle whatever is
thrown in the path!! I am so grateful for you. And despite the
Thong Thump, it was a great time and certainly one to add to our
memory book.”
And there you have it. We are Thong Strong!
Sentiments by Suzanne